Hey everyone! Guess what I bought? I finally bought the China Glaze Prismatic Chroma Glitter Collection!! Yes, you read it right! This is the first time where I actually have every nail polish in a collection. Usually I would just buy one or two polish from a collection but this is the first time where I bought the whole collection. I love this collection and can't wait to wear it because I am a glitter lover, no matter how hard it takes to remove off the nails. Hopefully they all live up to all the hypes and swatches I have seen online!
In this collection, there are a total of 6 shades. All of them are gorgeous! Plus they each contain glitter and holographic particles to make them more eye catching. Each polish contains a main base shimmer with different rainbow glitters. The rainbow glitters are specks of This collection includes:
purple holographic shimmer with pink, purple, green, orange and silver glitters
green shimmers with pink, green, silver, and orange glitters
pink with holographic purple tint with silver, pink, green, and orange glitter
silver shimmer with specks of orange, green, silver, and pink glitters
greenish gold shimmer with specks of pink, silver, orange, and green glitters
blue holographic shimmer with purple tint and green, silver, orange, and pink glitters
If you didn't know, this collection was just released this month but some stores have already started to put it a few days before April. I actually was lucky enough to buy it online from Amazon. Thanks to Lamanie L. for the heads up on where she bought hers from. She was so sweet to message me on Saturday to let me know which Amazon seller she bought from. After I got her message, I immediately ordered mines. I ordered mines on Saturday night and it just came today on Wednesday. The shipping was pretty fast. I was nervous when I got mines in the mail because the nail polishes were just seperated by bits of newspapers but they arrived safe and unharmed. Whew! If you would like to order from the same seller on Amazon: CLICK HERE.
Price: $13.94
Shipping: $5.00
Total Cost: $18.94
I had a $10 Amazon Gift Card from a survey a few months back. I used my gift card and only had to pay $8.94USD, which is a great deal. So for each polish, I pretty much paid $1.49USD each because of my gift card, which is definitely a great deal since individual shades retail for $8USD! Yay! I can't wait to try these out soon! I won't try them out for a couple of days because I have been wearing polishes a lot lately and I want to let my finger nails breathe for a while. So that is all for my haul! Hope you all liked it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Are you considering getting any shades from this collection? Which ones are you looking foward to adding to your collection
**All written content and pictures belong to me. Please do not use or steal for any reason.**
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